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     Author Karl Coyne has put together one of the (if not the) most comprehensive books on the training methods, diet, and background philosophy of Vince Gironda. 
     Vince was a "one-off" in the world of bodybuilding. His ideas were at the time quite revolutionary in the late 1940s and 1950s. And even today they have lessons for the natural bodybuilder which has anô€€‚ axiomatic relevance for those wishing to build a healthy and long-lasting physique. 
     This volume is copiously illustrated with stars of the iron game trained by Vince as well as many treatises on exercise function and effect. Great attention is given to diet as Vince considered this to be even more important than training. Vince's ideas caused controversy in the early days, but his thoughts on diet now have a new meaning and relevance as older taboos, traditions, and concepts have finally been confounded. 

Vince's Secret Locker Volume 1 back cover
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